This is a joint collaboration app developed by Dr Melvyn WB Zhang, Dr Roger Ho in collaboration with Professor Chan of the University of Newcastle.
Given the high incidence of care-giving stress, this current application aims to provide evidence-based information, based on previous work for care-gives to help them manage the person with dementia, as well as with associated psychological and behavioral disturbances. In addition, the application also includes video demonstration of how caregivers could care for the person in their daily activities. Caregivers could also listen to podcast and gather further tips about caregiving and dealing. Of importance, caregivers are able to make use of questionnaires build into the application to measure their psychological wellness; as well as assess the severity of the BPSD (Behavioral and Psychological disturbances) faced by their loved ones on a daily basis and keep a record of these disturbances, so that they could better inform their psychiatrist, during the next routine visit.
Users who have been invited to try the application need 3G or WIFI to use the application.
**Please note that there will be further updates to the graphic user interface for this application in Winter 2015.